Thursday, May 31, 2012

Me-Made-May report, day16-31

Here are my outfits for day16-31.
It was the last day of Me-Made-May challenge.
The challenge was so much fun.
Though I'm a bit exhausted at this moment.

Through the challenge;
I started to love my past projects more.
I could decide to say good-by to some garments for good.
I could have so many reunions with lovely me-made garments that had been sitting in the closet silently.
I confirmed which style I like on me.
And what I like not so much (on me).
I found that the world is small.
And I felt our world is unlimited.

My brain seems too tired to compose clever sentences today.
In short, I accomplished my goal and it is marvelous.

To see the original pictures that I posted at MMM'12 Flickr group, please find the guest pass link for the set, here.

Talk to you soon!


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