Friday, May 3, 2013


I've recently uninstalled Disqus comment system because it didn't accept some genuine comments all the time. Because it seemed OK on keeping the comments that were previously received by looking at my recent posts, I wasn't worried too much about the change. However, I've just found that it seems that I have lost many of your lovely comments which were made via Disqus in the old posts. More than some are still here, but many are gone... So sad. I don't care even if I lost my posts themselves, but I do feel very sad when your comments are gone. At moment I don't know how many of them disappeared, or how to restore them. Please accept my apology if I cannot restore them properly. So sad.



  1. I know just how you feel! I installed Disqus for a day and then uninstalled it as soon as I could figure out how. Actually, it appears they are way behind on importing old comments from your blog into their system, but it's all too confusing for me!

  2. I've heard these horror stories about Disqus and that's why I've decided to stay away from it... Those comments are precious, right?! Sorry, Yoshimi :(

  3. Is the PDF for the Hatoto bag gone? I can't seem to get the pattern.

    1. It is still able to download from the link in the original post. It says "No preview available." but there is a DL button underneath. I checked if it worked and it was working. Could you please try it again?

  4. I'm really sorry that happened to you... I feel a bit responsible because I did complain that I couldn't comment on your blog...
    I'm glad I'm able to comment now, but I hope there is a way to restore other comments....

    1. Hey deary, you're totally not responsible for this! You are one of kind people who have let me know about the submitting problem. I am surely the one who is responsible for missing the comments which many kind souls took their time for. This is why I want to apologize for loosing those comments, but I don't want to blame anyone else!
      Thank you for leaving your comment, Sachi, I'm glad it is finally possible to receive it (even if there is other side of effects by this change)

    2. Aw that's awful :( I guess we just have to leave a lot more nice comments to make up for the lost ones. :) Smile!

  5. Oh no! I'm sorry about the lost comments. :( Everything you make is so beautiful and well styled, hopefully you can imagine all the lovely things everyone is saying!


Thank you for your comments!!