Monday, January 19, 2009

pink bobbled tam

pink bobbled tam
With some unknown reason, I never felt that I could knit something nice. It has been making me feel that I'm bad at knitting!

Nevertheless, this winter, I've been enjoying knitting very much. I am not sure yet if I can knit something nice, but I'm more confident with what I am making. My wobbly stitches will be better soon anyway. After 5 years of sewing, I finally came to know what kind of things make me happy!

I knitted the hat, named Bobbled Tam, with this pink yarn.
It was a quick and fun project.
And I love it!

I've also made a pink shirt for my husband and a blue dress for my daughter. (The cuff of the shirt doesn't reveal it was finished though!)
shirt for S
090114 blue dress for M

I'm now on my pink jacket, and we'll be ready for the wedding party soon!

1 comment:

  1. Your hat is so pretty Yoshimi!
    You're much farther along than I am/knitting wise.
    I think you're doing great :)


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